Sunday, February 4, 2007

Great Week

This week I was able to make more progress on my trailer for the sailboat, I mounted the fenders and welded in the supports and installed the 2x12 for the keel to rest on. The trailer is slowly taking shape and I am now trying to decide on whether to use bunks, adjustable pads or a combination of both to support and balance the boat while on the trailer.

On the riding front I did some work on the trainer but on Saturday I had an epic ride out of a small cycle shop in Irving Tx. named Trinity bicycles . I rode a 65 mile ride with close to 4000 ft. of climbing and I rode with a cat 1 and a cat 2 rider. This was a real treat for me and I endured a lot of pain in my attempt to keep up and even then they took it easy so I could stay with them. There is no way I can ride at this level and this was a tempo ride for them while it was like a 65 mile time trial for me.

The weather outlook for this week is great and I sure hope I can get some sailing in on Tuesday with a high of 65, great for February.

Sunday we gave a reception celebrating the 50Th wedding aniverisary of my parents and it was s special day for us and them.

Remember less is really more so try and spend nothing and be an anti-consumer, and have fun doing it.

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