Wednesday, January 16, 2008

West Systems Epoxy

When work allows and weather permits I am still sanding the bottom on the O'day 272 in preparation of repairing the blisters on the bottom of the hull. The hull is now dry and all the blisters are open, and a lot of the gel coat is ground, or sanded off.Santa brought me some West Marine gift cards for Christmas and I bought round one of the Epoxy supplies I will need to repair the blisters and apply a barrier coat of epoxy. This is about it on the O'Day until the weather warms up.
I have had several good bicycle rides over the past week or so, On Tuesday I rode a night ride on the White Rock Trail for 22 miles, and then Saturday I rode 55 miles with the club . This was a good training at a good but not all out intensity level, For a lot of the ride I was on the wheel of a guy with a powertap and we stayed at a consistent 200 watts of power. The powertap is a hub on the rear wheel that accurately measures power applied in watts, since I was drafting a lot my power output was a little less, but I have a heavier bicycle and weigh more myself to even it out.
Michele also got in a nice ride on Saturday with the clubs distance builder group, they rode to The State Park Fairgrounds and explored that area. We both did the Spin Class on Monday night and it looks like cold weather is going to set in for a while now limiting our rides.
I think I've got cabin fever
Dennis Starkey

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