Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hotter'n Hell Hundred

Michele and I had a great ride at the rally, as we did last year we camped in our friend Gerald's motor home. This is a great way to stay at this rally since with 10,000 riders showing up all the local hotels fill up fast, and they charge you a two night minimum.

In the picture we made it to the Outlaw Rest Stop, some times also called the 98 mile outlaw beer stop . We were the first from our club to arrive and its just an old metal building out in the hot sun, its a right of passage you just have to experience to understand. This our friend Paul who also took the following picture of us.
We have left the outlaw and are going over the big overpass back into town in the picture below, this is a tough climb with 101 miles on your legs. Our training paid off and we did much better than we had expected with an average in the 19's doing the 102 miles in 5hours 14 minutes. We worked at keeping a steady pace and used the downhills to get maximum speed on the old Treck t200 tandem. We took 2 very short rest stops at 50 and 80 miles, my heart rate average was 148 and I burned over 4,000 calories.
We had a great weekend with the shopping and the crit races, now its back to work on the backyard project and finish the boat repairs, my next posts will be on these.
We rode through Hell's Gate
Dennis & Michele


Unknown said...

I didn't take the 100 route but your average speed was great. You did miss the trip through Sheppard A.F.B. though. That is where the 75 mile route passes.
Rick Ankrum

Dennis and Michele Starkey said...

Thanks for the posts, TEXBIKER. Michele rode through the Air Force Base the last 2 years and said it was something I should do, Maybe next year we will do the 75 non- stop.
