Monday, September 8, 2008

Backpaking the Cross Timbers Trail

I had day hiked a small part of this trail some years ago and have wanted to return and backpack some of this trail. Friday I drove to the trail head on Lake Texoma at Juniper Point and got there about 5:00 pm and set out . The trail goes up and down and up and down with some nice little hills, nothing to bad but not a lot of flat land as you walk along bluffs above the lake and have to go down and back up to cross every drainage.

I arrived at the lost loop campsite a little after 7 and set up camp for the evening, dispersed camping is allowed but since I saw no one else on the trail I used the designated campsite to leave a smaller footprint. The campsite looks to have seen a lot of use but there was almost no TRASH.

I saw a lot of the little plant below, but none was right on the trail but a little off to the side. If you don"t recognize this little plant, this is the classic poison ivy (leaves of three let it be).

Saturday I hiked back on a nice cool morning with a low of 66. This trail spends a lot of time along the lake with nice views and varied terrain, I plan on doing the rest of the trail soon but the 4.5 miles or so from Juniper Point to Lost Loop were nice and clean. The trail crosses the parking lot of a marina which is the only place I saw other people. Close to the parking lot at the trail head I did pick up 2 fresh empty drink cans, a DP and a V-8, they were not here on my way out.With a pack weight of 30 pounds and about 10 miles total I could feel I had used some different muscles than I normally use. Sunday we got up early and got a nice 25 miles in on the bicycles by 8:45 and had the whole day left to work on the yard project.

Proud people don't litter

Dennis Starkey

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