Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Make the best of it

The weather has been bad for outdoor activities for a while, I did ride 60 miles on the bicycle Saturday but I had on 4 layers. The forecast for Monday called for a one day respite with a high of 70 with sunshine and light winds, not enough wind to sail but I wanted to get out on the water.
A couple of weeks ago one of Michele's cycling friends Marla asked if she could store her Kayak at our house, since we have tons of storage and I had always wanted to try out a kayak, you bet. The removable ladder rack went back on the truck and the kayak fit like a glove, soon we were off on our maiden voyage at white rock lake.

After unloading the yak I climbed in, adjusted the foot rest and played with the rudder. This model of the Dagger has a rudder to help steer and move straight in a cross wind.
I chose White Rock Lake because of the many piers and protected coves where I could get in and out hopefully without getting wet. This was a lot of fun and a good upper body workout and I did not get wet. What a nice day to learn, now I plan on trying to fish out of it but will first need more time to develop balance and become more comfortable with the small low sitting craft.
Are you ready for Christmas?

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