Our cycling club has started a new spin class on Monday nights and we both went on the 12th, it was a good workout and was 80 minutes of interval work. Interval work is based on timed efforts at prescribed effort levels of hard, harder, and hardest with short recovery's between sets. We were beat after this class and yet we look forward to this Monday where we will do simulated hill climb training.
On the Sailing front I have started working on the O'day 272 again and have removed the top of the mast to replace the light fixture and install a new halyard that some years ago, that I had accidentally pulled out of the mast.
I was Invited this weekend to hunt on a ranch in Brady Texas and was successful at once again replenishing my nearly exhausted supply of venison. I have some great photos but will spare everyone the dead animal shots. I assure you the meat will go to good use feeding Friends and family.
Happy Thanksgiving
Dennis & Michele